Protests at Zocalo and outline national strike

Calderón has originated social strikes like this with her lack of leaderness and intelligence because he has to pay favors with "entrepreneurs" who get the rights to have advantages of the private ownership of the public goods...the power and energy and the optic fiber...
Today's News / 2009 / 11 / 11 / Protests Zocalo looming nationwide strike -el-angel-to-march
Electricians supported by unions, social organizations and students left at four in the afternoon in a demonstration today wreath demonstrations against the extinction of Luz y Fuerza del Centro.

The Week Online

Posted: 11/11/2009 13:44

Mexico City. Martin Esparza, leader of the Mexican Electricians Union said that exactly one month that were made "for assault" facilities Luz y Fuerza del Centro by the federal government, the protest movement far from being diminished already have "million Mexicans" followers also tired of the current policy, so there are again making a "national strike".

During the rally at the capital's main square after a march which started from the Angel of Independence, Esparza said was a successful national day of demonstrations against the disappearance of the parastatal, especially since they managed to break the information blockade on their movement.

The authorities, he said, referring to the seizure of the headquarters of LFC, acted as a "cowardly and bandits ... thought we were going to liquidate, but may not end the story of the Union of the Mexican Elictricians and with dignity."

Before a packed socket, the union leader dismissed the actions of Labor Secretary Javier Lozano, because far from serving as an authority for the working class, provoking a series of labor disputes such as miners and currently that of the College of Bachelors.
"That (Lozano) copper liquidation and walks away," the union noted that while we should bring him to "dock and make a political trial."

Esparza led the march left the monument to Indpendencia around 16 hours. An hour later arrived at the forefront of the Constitution Square.

Then came Martin Esparza, secretary general of the union, accompanied by legislators Alejandro Encinas, the PRD, Porfirio Munoz Ledo, Gerardo Fernandez Norona and Jaime Cardenas of the PT, as well as the leader of the telephone, Francisco Hernandez Juarez, and former secretary Interior, Manuel Bartlett.

Another speaker of the rally was the leader of the Union of Workers of the UNAM, Agustin Rodriguez, who said the "national strike" is the only weapon that has the working class to prevent unemployed electricians finally finished.

Also called not to let let the shame and the lack of respect for the rights of workers: "We can not compromise." Thus, said, "should be repealed because it cancels the infamous decree many years of struggle," especially because the situation was not caused by parastatal workers, but because those who administer and rulers of the past 30 years.

Meanwhile, the rear of the protestors stood on Juarez Avenue and when the speakers began troops continued to arrive to the first frame of the city.

The mobilization crossed the Avenida de Los Insurgentes on Paseo de la Reforma and took his place on Avenida Juarez en route to the Zocalo.

Initially the event was leaving at 14:30 hours to visit the official residence of Los Pinos, where the leader of the electricians, Martin Esparza, Felipe Calderón would seek to interview. However, the edge of 14 hours and although the square of the Angel was almost full, reported the change of route and that the march will start at 16 hours.

Students participated in the mobilization of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), the University of Chapingo and teachers of the Normal and the University of Chapingo. Also attending were members of the Syndicate of Workers of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (STUNAM).

The march was also attended by contingents of the Institute of Social Security and Services for State Workers (ISSSTE), as well as teachers of the National Coordinator of Education Workers.

In the rear were formed social organizations related to Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

Meanwhile, several participants came from Xola and Eje Central, near the Ministry of Communications and Transport (SCT), and advanced into central axis, so that this pathway and Izazaga and Arcos de Belen, were closed to traffic during its passage.
In Zaragoza and Boulevard Puerto Aéreo advanced another column, while a motorcade from the Mexico-Toluca highway arrived along Paseo de la Reforma. Another group of vehicles that entered the Mexico-Cuernavaca highway also went to the downtown.
Reform the middle lanes were closed from Insurgentes Avenue to the roundabout of Diana the Huntress. Federal Police officers guarding the offices of the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV), the Attorney General's Office (PGR), corporate banking as HSBC and American Express and the U.S. embassy.

The whole time of the march there were elements of the capital's police patrols, who took care of traffic control.

Other groups started from Normal subway station, airport, La Raza, San Lazaro and viaduct, which will focus on the Zocalo, and reported presence of political organizations like the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD).

Near the official residence of Los Pinos were guarded by members of the Federal Police.


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