In Mexico monopolycal practices afect us in different ways...

From El Poder del Consumidor:  gerardo.moncada.mtz @

Dear (a) consumer (a):

The Mexican economy is not growing, among other reasons, because:

3 banks dominate the financial services
2 companies control the channels of broadcast television,
1 company network control dial,
2 groups control the distribution business of LP gas,
2 companies control the cement market,
1 company controls two thirds of the production of corn flour,
3 companies control the production of poultry and egg
2 companies control 80% of the milk market,
3 companies dominate the market for processed meats,
2 companies control the market of soft drinks, juices and bottled water
1 company controls the production of industrial bread,
2 companies control the distribution of medicines ...

This scenario directly affects consumers. Thus, organizations Oxfam Mexico, El Barzon and Consumer Power launched the civil initiative "Consumers. For consumer rights and antitrust.

It is true that companies have sought various ways to disguise their monopolistic practices. For example, to not be accused of absolute control as an industry, have given a little space to other companies, however, retained control throughout the industry allowed to impose tariffs, maintaining a poor quality and even prevent other providers make better offers. All this works against consumers.

It also happens that a few companies agree not to compete with each other. Thus, determining the conditions of your market and earn higher profits at the expense of consumers. This practice is known as an oligopolistic, and is common in countries like Mexico.

To illustrate this we have adapted the corporate behavior of ConMexico advertisement, the coalition of food processing companies claiming that these are precisely the best brands on the market. you can watch it in our section of Videos:

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And if you want to put this video on another blog or website you can take the necessary code:

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The main goal of consumer will promote economic development, respect for consumer rights and democracy and culture, confronting and denouncing the monopolistic and oligopolistic practices, as both have an oppressive impact on society and particularly on poorest.

A greeting:
Consumer Power

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