Information taken from La Jornada Section =politics & article = 005n1pol

On the third day of its twelfth tour of Oaxacan municipalities customs, Lopez Obrador heard a long list of complaints and needs of residents of the municipalities visited, with high rates of poverty and marginalization Ejutla San Miguel, La Pe, San Martin de los Canseco, St. Peter the Apostle, St. Catherine Qian and San Jose del Progreso.

A significant number of inhabitants of that town he described the problems faced by strong performance of the PRI mayor Oscar Venancio Martinez Rivera, whom they accused of committing atrocities and grievances against those who oppose the exploitation of gold and silver, which conducts mining company since 2006 Cuzcatlan SA de CV, owned by Canadian entrepreneurs.
Bernardo Vazquez explained that have been attacked and imprisoned as a result of abuse of authority by the mayor. In a paper which was delivered by another resident says: "The community of San José del Progreso is in a state of political kidnapping by the parties in power, both, state and federal, as is evident complicity between the different powers, attempting to impose a project miner in this town ".

Other residents, who asked not be named - opponents said they can not go out at night because they threaten. They set an example the case of Martin Arango, Drinking Water Committee, who "hit me for coming to report that she had broken a pipe". They ignore the progress that leads underground mining company, located just a mile from the county seat, but a strong involvement in the distribution of water for the community and attempts to snatch their land.

In a blanket wrote: Stop the abuse of authority. Our people demand a legitimate president is appointed by the general assembly. Do not let the people keep hitting ". In another, "Coordinator of the united peoples Ocotlán Valley.'s Defend our motherland. The people must be consensus before exploiting our natural resources.

Lopez Obrador, accompanied by Senator and Congressman Solomon Jara local convergence Benjamin Robles, offered them full support, through lawyers who advise them in dealing with protections. He said that the Movement's national assembly in defense of oil, the popular economy and national sovereignty, of November 22, will present the case and called them to stay in the peaceful struggle and organized. He asked the federal legislature be aware of the situation


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