Kidnpped electricians to work: Mexican Electricians Union (SME)

Kidnapped electricians to work: SME
Federal troops forcibly take them to stations with problems
Kidnapped electricians to work: SME
The union denies having issued statement on deaths in facilities
Patricia Muñoz y Fabiola Martinez
La Jornada
Wednesday, 14 October 2009, p. 3
Operating Workers "are being kidnapped" by federal forces to make them "cooperate" with the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) at stations that have problems with electricity supply, reported the Mexican Electricians Union (SME).

"The outrage and despair of the federal government has reached intolerable limits our capacity for wonder we have exceeded"Because the Federal Police (PF) and the Army come to the homes of employees of airlines, foreign distribution, underground cables and substations, to be "arrested and forced to work to address the huge collapse electrical engineers CFE confidence were totally unable to resolve"Said Fernando Amezcua, EMS spokesman.

In his third day of fighting against the liquidation of Luz y Fuerza del Centro (LFC), the union warned that the federal government also intends to charge the guild carrying out acts of "sabotage"To take legal action against the leaders of the movement.

In this series of actions which they characterized as bullying, warned that the Secretariat of Energy is sending to the homes of workers "invitations" to pressure them to accept their settlement. These documents will only be noted that even additional bonus "who charge before 14 November".

Leaders forward to face this onslaught was ready to present, from one moment to another, the promotion of over 66 thousand individual protections active and retired workers, against the presidential decree that leaves no source of employment.

While mobilization was canceled because of the EMS to Congress by Secretary of Labor, Javier Lozano, did not attend San Lazaro, the unskilled workers took on their own mobilization and yesterday held a wide day of activity in the downtown area of the country.

Near the union held rallies throughout the day information to alert all workers so that they receive the CFE settlement envelopes being sent to their houses, organized by section for the dissemination and flyers, made intermittent stops Insurgentes Avenue and installed in the registration desks for the shelters.

Inside the headquarters, political lobbying and receiving solidarity combined with some tension, when news began to arrive about "persecution, harassment and attempted kidnapping" against unionized work force operating in an automatic network areas of the Historical Center in "airlines" and substations.

So close to 17 hours, one of the leaders moved toward housing units located in Cuautitlan, Mexico state. Juan Antonio Gomez was one of the workers who claimed to be federal police force, hence, had to be hidden by his colleagues, denounced Amezcua, and said that such harassment occurred in colonies of electricians as Dawn, herons, Piety and San Juan de Aragon.

He pointed out that this action means it's a lie what they say the directors of the CFE and Felipe Calderón, of the network is working normally.

Additionally, workers Cables-Bolivar area complained that they are offering 25 thousand dollars to the engineers by going to operate some units that have problems, as Coapa and Taxqueña. "But there's no scabs". They mentioned the engineer Carlos Guerra as one of those receiving the offer.

Moreover, the mobilization of yesterday circulated a "guide to personal strategies to resist" the struggle, because this will be long and difficult, so call the electrical workers not to succumb to the "carrot of reemployment".

This guide points out that even with empty pockets, workers have dignity and will not accept "crumbs in the form of bonds"And propose courses of action as the union to reduce their household expenses and try to find some activity that gives them any revenue, and also engaged"boat" or come off, for now, part of their heritage, their cars, to pay debts or credits you have and make sales of garage.

They reported that it opened the collection center to receive solidarity aid organizations that want to send, which will be located in the School of EMS, Lisboa 46, Colonia Juarez, and began arriving yesterday supports.

In the morning assembly some wives of electricians were organized to search for Margarita Zavala, wife of Felipe Calderón, to ask him to intervene in their problem also began organizing for the march on Thursday, where he was asked not to bear children, because no rule out that there might be infiltrators and repression.

In the morning he ran a kind on which the union had sent a statement which allegedly stated that there have been 21 deaths among the workers who put the CFE operating CFB units. However, the EMS flatly denied that he had given that information.


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