It's been 41 years of the slaughter in La Plaza de Tlatelolco , or Plaza of Three Cultures, where students were killed railroad workers, housewives, children, old people and others ... by the army and the paramilitar members of "Olympia Battalion, whose members, civilian clothes were distinguished by wearing white scarves in hand joined the army. Mexican citizens killed by the army of the same country. The reason: to try to "stop communism" in Mexico and a "government" authoritarian adviced by Washington and the CIA at the time headed by a friend of Diaz Ordaz, who incidentally was buddy's wedding CIA chief at the time.
The rally, organized by the National Strike Council was launched at 17:30 on 2 October 1968. From an hour before, hundreds of student protesters, men and women, women with children, had begun to gather.
The petitions of the students to the government of Diaz Ordaz were these:
1. Freedom of political prisoners.
2. Removal of general Luis Ramirez and Raul Cueto Mendiolea, as well as Lieutenant Colonel Armando Frias.
3. Extinction of Grenadier Corps, direct instrument of repression and failure to set up similar bodies.
4. Repeal of Articles 145 and 145 bis of the Federal Penal Code (crime of social dissolution), legal instruments of aggression.
5. Compensation for families of the dead and wounded (500) who were victims of aggression from Friday 26 July onwards.
6. Website Disclaimer of repression and acts of vandalism by the authorities through police, riot police and army.
After the speech of a university student 45 minutes had elapsed, two helicopters circled the Plaza de las Tres Culturas. The flares were fired. The attack began on the square, people were running from side to side after being serried cowardly by army soldiers who fired on people dying instantly hundreds or thousands, a number that so far unknown. It is estimated that in the square at that time had a multitude of about five thousand people. As shown in these films done by the "Government" of the time, whose realization is an unknown reason (perhaps to show that met at Washington), several students were arrested in the doorways of buildings adjacent to the Plaza, and beaten and stripped, several of them were persecuted even within inside the apartaments. Eyewitnesses mentioned that after the genocide, bodies of dead people were collected in garbage trucks . Several students were taken to Campo Militar No. 1. The IMSS baseball field also was filled with the bodies and even somebody has mentioned that some of them were thrown into the sea, ending like missing people.
It is evident that the massacre of October 2 was the repression after other murders as is indicated in the petitions, but the killing  of students did not end there. The killing of Thursday of Corpus in June 1971 was a repression of students by the paramilitary group "The Hawks" trained in the U.S. in which 120 young people died. 
Information taken from the sites:
Chronology: http://www.redescolar.ilce.edu.mx / RedEscolar / act_Permanent / history / html /mov68/cronologia.htm
http://www.vanguardia.com.mx/daily / news / politics /nacional/el_26_de_julio_de_1968 _primera_trampa_a_los_estudiantes/199575
http://www.canalseisdejulio.com / tcm.html. One of the best documentaries to the latest research on the facts of the October 2 massacre
http://www.redescolar.ilce.edu.mx / RedEscolar / act_Permanent / history / html /mov68/cronica.htm
http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/File: PLAZA_DE_LAS_TRES_CULTURES-1.jpg
http://www.jornada.unam.mx/2006/06/04/index.php? Section =politics & article = 003n1pol. Attacks of 1971.
To view videos alluding to the facts:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v = U7HyztRLaWU


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