In a an unprecedent act in the History of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, elected Legitimate President of México, named like this after the National Democratic Convention a high majority in Mexico in 2006, after the evidence of an electoral fraud. Today presented to the PGR, Procuradury General of the Republic, the proofs  that evidence the responsabilities against a tenth of people involved in corruption, influences trafic and plunder to Nation. Political people involved since 20 years ago in the mexican politics among they three ex-presidents of Mexican nation:
Carlos Salinas de Gortari, "ex-president of Mexico" and who made electronic fraud against Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas, when the "system fell down" and gave to him the advantage. He begun the "desincorporation" of statal companies after getting vey high incomes and responsable of the highest debt in the mexican history, later the rescue of private banks with money of the State was named FOBAPROA, making private debt in public debt. From the PRI party (Revolutionary Institutional Party). Now his name is involved with the most famous names of narcotraficants. He is under suspicious that involves him with the dead of the same party candidate, Colosio as well as his secretary, the french born Marie Joseph Cordoba Montoya. More than 500 people of the left party, PRD were killed during his mandate and the press was supressed. He could not judged because the time to be indulted expired when he run to Dublin after hes mandate. He begun the desincorporation of the most productive industry in Mexico, PEMEX, the paraestal industry of oil.
Vicente Fox Quesada, the ex-president of Mexico, who won the election "democratically" but he was involved in many bussiness that plundered the Nation and her wife and the sons of her wife were involved. He wasted the money of the highest incomes ever known in the modern times coming from the sale of petroleum. The sons of her family are involved with influences trafic and to get preferential contracts related with the sale of gasoline, as well as the ownership of customs.
He has been involved with the protection to heads of narcotraficant bands.
Ernesto Zedillo, who saled also public companies. Well known like thge technocrats. Currently employee of the Train Co in USA same that he saled to US. He become president after the dead of Colosio, the precandidate of PRI.
José Luis Barraza, CEO of the Enterprise Coordinator Council in complicity to make the electoral fraud of 2006 with the support of millions and with anti-propaganda against Lopez Obrador.
Elba Esther Gordillo, "leader" of the teachers. She copted this big Union and she decides the final decission in the elections after pushing the members of this big Union to vote in favor of the  candidate necessary for her convenience $$$$$$. She has been related with the death of some syndical leaders against her. Are well know the use of the money destinated to education to buy conciussness inside the Union. The case of the hummers and the travels to Hawaii, are very well known.
Felipe Calderón Hinojosa. He stealed the presidency to Lopez Obrador coming litterally to the legislative place by the back door, after the fraud was done against the mexican citizens. The representants of the PAN party, the Electoral Institute in complicity with the Supreme Court of Justice denied to count the votes of the citizens and after demostrating the fake of the results manipulated inside the Electoral Federal Institute directed in that time by Victor Ugalde. Calderón Hinojosa is responsable in the inestability of the country and the climate of violence, same that has been agravated since this people in the government, since the time of Salinas de Gortari were protecting narcotraficants. He continue the politics of submissive and dispossesion of goods of the nation to a few potentates in Mexico and in the world, same that do not pay taxes in the regular way, like Carlos Slim or Roberto Hernández who supported his electoral campaign. He promoted together with some representants of the PRI the desincorporation of PEMEX, that is an anticonstitutional procedure against the Mexican State. He is turning the country in a failed State and he is controlled by the potentates of Mexico and people that still have influences in Mexican politics like Salinas de Gortari. His more near colaborators, one of them passed away (the Spanish born, Juan Camilo Mouriño, whose plane crashed in very questionable way, narcotraficants atack, still is not confirmed) made millionaire bussiness to get for his family contracts that benefit them against the well being of the nation. His former secretary of the Federal Judicial Police, has been involved with narcotraficants and kidnapers protecting them and simulating rescues of kidnaped people.
Diego Fernández de Ceballos, lawyer of profession and well know to participate in the defense of narcotraficants related with the Cartel of Juarez. He has promoted judges of enterprises that evades the payment of taxes and he got millionare amounts from the state using his political influences with the "Supreme Court of Justice" and multiple entrepreneurs. Is well know the Jumex case when he like chief of the Diputies camera he was involved also in dispute in favor of privates companies to get back the money of the State to them, he participated like judge and part. He has been worked in favor of the people who gives him power. During the time of Salinas government and like part of the opposite part he was named "The Squirrel", because he did not go out from Los Pinos (The Pines, presidential house). His power in the Center of the Country is considerable and he influences governors of the region of El Bajío in Mexico. He participated like candidate to the presidency in the opossition of that time in the PAN. He participated with other members of the PAN-PRI (Vicente Fox, Martha Sahagún, Salinas de Gortari, Federico Doring and others) to conspirate against Lope Obrador trying to remove Lopez Obrador during his period of Government in Mexico City.
Claudio X González, he was de CEO of Kimberly Clark and other corporative companies, famous to get god positions thanks to the vinculation to politicians and supporting in change with money for the campaigns. He was director of Grupo Carso, America Movil, Grupo Financiero Inbursa, all of them property of Carlos Slim, Grupo ALFA, Grupo Mexico, Grupo Televisa (Azcárraga), Kellogg The Mexico Fund, Investment Co. of America, getting and General Electric. He is one of the 10 wealthy men that concentrates the richness in Mexico. With his "support" influences the mexican politics and he was also involved in the dirty war against Lopez Obrador.
Roberto Hernández, bussinessman who has got concessions of the Salinas and Fox to get one of the most productive investment after the banks were rescued, these banks were sealed in his favor. He did not pay a millionaire sum to IRS to the State and in change of that he has negotiated favors to politicians: Salinas, Fox and Calderón.
Gastón Azcárraga. Entrepreneur as well, involved in the advantages of their closes relationships with politicians,  in particular with the Secretary of Fox Government he got permissions for casinos and play houses.


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