Swine Flu and change
As you can see, not only the mexicans are skeptical about the situation.....

Taken from:www.wunderground.com/blog
I am sure that many of you, as I, first had my doubts about the first reports on a new strain of swine influenza taking hold in Mexico City, and many other portions of Mexico, as pure media made hysteria. I had an extended telephone conversation tonight with my sister, who holds a doctorite degree in biology, that quickly changed my mind.
It was made clear to me that this particular strain of swine influenza has never been seen before, and is combination of two virus strains that have mutated together, bird flu and swine flu, to form this new potential super influenza strain.
My sister agrees with my inclination that the U.S. should do everything possible to close the southern border with Mexico immediately, and cancel all flights and cruiseships to and from Mexico. Unfortunately I am a realist, and I know that the politically correct crowd currently running Wahington, D.C. will never have the courage to do so.
The aforementioned PC could prove to be deadly over the long run for many elderly, and young Americans. I have been informed that the old reliable standby remedy for influenza in the U.S. is Tamiflu, and there is currently a large supply. The bad news is that the jury is still out as to whether it is effective on this particular viral strain.
This is not a situation to be taken lightly, but our current Homeland Security director, Janet Napolitano, appears to be lost once more, and has declined to take any action at this time. I have confirmed media reports of this particular swine flu cases in Texas, New York, Kansas, California, and Ohio. There are also cases being reported in Canada, Spain, and New Zealand from travelers just returning from Mexico. When will the U.S. react to close the border and air travel? Once it is way to late!!!
04/28/2009 UPDATE: I have continued to have conversations with friends and relatives in the biological and medical fields on the potential danger to humans this H1N1 presents. As I mentioned above, it is becoming more and more obvious that the common anti-viral meds, Relenza and Tamiflu, are not effective against this latest viral strain if not administered in the first 24 hours of the onset of influenza symptons. My sources also have informed me that the CDC is being less than truthful with the American public, about the danger this never before seen genetically muted viral strain poses.

Taken from:www.wunderground.com/blog
I am sure that many of you, as I, first had my doubts about the first reports on a new strain of swine influenza taking hold in Mexico City, and many other portions of Mexico, as pure media made hysteria. I had an extended telephone conversation tonight with my sister, who holds a doctorite degree in biology, that quickly changed my mind.
It was made clear to me that this particular strain of swine influenza has never been seen before, and is combination of two virus strains that have mutated together, bird flu and swine flu, to form this new potential super influenza strain.
My sister agrees with my inclination that the U.S. should do everything possible to close the southern border with Mexico immediately, and cancel all flights and cruiseships to and from Mexico. Unfortunately I am a realist, and I know that the politically correct crowd currently running Wahington, D.C. will never have the courage to do so.
The aforementioned PC could prove to be deadly over the long run for many elderly, and young Americans. I have been informed that the old reliable standby remedy for influenza in the U.S. is Tamiflu, and there is currently a large supply. The bad news is that the jury is still out as to whether it is effective on this particular viral strain.
This is not a situation to be taken lightly, but our current Homeland Security director, Janet Napolitano, appears to be lost once more, and has declined to take any action at this time. I have confirmed media reports of this particular swine flu cases in Texas, New York, Kansas, California, and Ohio. There are also cases being reported in Canada, Spain, and New Zealand from travelers just returning from Mexico. When will the U.S. react to close the border and air travel? Once it is way to late!!!
04/28/2009 UPDATE: I have continued to have conversations with friends and relatives in the biological and medical fields on the potential danger to humans this H1N1 presents. As I mentioned above, it is becoming more and more obvious that the common anti-viral meds, Relenza and Tamiflu, are not effective against this latest viral strain if not administered in the first 24 hours of the onset of influenza symptons. My sources also have informed me that the CDC is being less than truthful with the American public, about the danger this never before seen genetically muted viral strain poses.