May Day march - Marcha del Primero de Mayo


May Day march - Marcha del Primero de Mayo

agitator calling the slogans for the MarchMay 1, 2009, 1 pm

Starts: Broadway and Olympic,
Los Angeles, CA 90015
download flier

Ends: ICE Detention Facility at 4 pm
Temple Street. (between Los Angeles and Alameda)

Yesterday we voted,

Today we March!

Southern California Immigration Coalition demands:

Stop the Ice Raids!

Full Legalization Now! No Guest Worker Program!

 Workers' Rights are immigrants Rights!

Marcha del Primero de Mayo

In the struggle for his people and blood!1:00 de la tarde

Inicia: Broadway y Olympic
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Baja el volante

Termina: Edificio de DEtention de la Migra(ICE) a las 4:00 de la tarde
Temple Street(entre Los Angeles y Alameda)

Ayer Votamos y Hoy Marchamos

Demandas de la Coalicion de Immigration del Sur de California:

Alto a las Redadas!Legalizacion Total!

!No Programa Bracero!

Derechos Laborales son Derechos de los Immigrantes! (323) 602-3480 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Southern California Immigration Coalition


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