Plurality and informative opening, is asked for Lopez Obrador and the movement of civil pacific resistence in Mexico
miércoles 10 de diciembre de 2008 → Política

La empresa es ''el poder de los poderes'' en México, dijo el tabasqueño ante miles de seguidores en plantón frente al consorcio Foto Carlos Ramos Mamahua
Andrés Manuel López Obrador, antes del mitin frente a Televisa Chapultepec Foto: Carlos Ramos Mamahua
Andrés Manuel López Obrador and the National Movement in Defense of the Oil, Popular Economy came back to Televisa to request once again, that represents the "power of powers" in Mexico, opening and plurality.
"We want that inform about the origins of the poverty, unemployment, charesty, migration, insecurity and violence. That speak about corrption and impunity that has damaged the country. We want that (this media) invite specialist of all wings to make a debate about the fail of the economical model, the neoliberal.
This chain of TV not give information, even worst, make a defense of their interest and make capaign of difamation and hate against those who are not agree.
Lopes Obrado asked to the owners of the TV chain additionally to Azcárraga Jean, María Asunción Aramburuzabala, Pedro Aspe Armella, Ana Patricia Botín, Jorge Cutillas, Claudio X. González, Roberto Hernández, Germán Larrea, Fernando Senderos, Carlos Fernández González and Lorenzo Zambrano, that the spaces that are requested son also to facing the Nation, with the participation of all social participants and the big national problems.
80% of Televisa covers the national program.
Currently, 2 400 000 mexicans are affiliated to the Legitimate government of Mexico