From  La Jornada

''¡There is going, a farewell kiss, dog!''

''¡Ahí te va un beso de despedida, perro!''

In press conference in Bagdad, the United States president George W. Bush had to lower whena local journalist call him "dog" dropping a shoe from eght meters of distance, same that flight over his face and stuck against the wall. A second shoe flight in the air, but the iraki governor  Nouri al-Maliki, who was leading the session, tried to intercept it. Bush, nervously said: "I am OK, is like going to a polytical meeting and that shout to oneself". In the arab culture drow up a shoe is a very serious manifestation of contempt and is asample of the indignation in Irak against the US army invasion. Photograph Ap

Guy Adams, corresponsal

To Bush is only an anecdote, while for the Irakies and people of Afghanistán (thousands o civils have died since the invasion) these means dead.

US Army kill people and all of this is due to get the control of oil.

Bush just receive a posibble hit of a shoe, but the people receive dead of their relatives and invasion.

Daily thousands od northamerican young people are literally bombarded by the advertisement of a "leading" job an better opportunity to get access to education and a position enrolling in the army. Nothing less that lies. When the people come back to his, her country and after being there, their lives are broken, they have not capability to live a normal life, they are a human trash, thanks to the interventionist and imperialist politics of the Washington Government.


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