Urgent action: Protect the people of the DRC

Is urgent to take actions about this...

From Amnesty International
20 November 2008
No excuse, No delay- Protect the civilians in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Dear Friends, Congo Displaced people in North Kivu © UNHCR/P. Taggart

We're sure you have been watching with apprehension the unfolding humanitarian catastrophe in eastern DRC. Amnesty is receiving reports of serious human rights abuses, including unlawful killings of civilians, rape, and the recruitment of child soliders. And we would like to ask you to take action for the DRC.

The conflict in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is one of the deadliest in African history. Since it began in August 1998, it is estimated that the fighting and its aftermath (poverty, disease, and malnutrition) have claimed over five million lives. In recent weeks, fighting has displaced at least 250,000 civilians, most of them women and children. These people are in a desperate situation, without sufficient food, water, medical supplies or shelter.

Amnesty is calling for urgent reinforcement of the UN's peacekeeping force, MONUC, to protect civilians and to ensure people have access to humanitarian assistance. Please take action by visiting our website and calling on the UK government to ensure that the UN Security Council takes decisive action and pledges support to protect civilians in eastern DRC.

For all the latest information check here. We will update you on how you can take action but as the situation in DRC is fast moving we may need to ask you to take action at short notice.


Amnesty International UK
Protect The Human
Amnesty International Secretary-General, Irene Khan
Two Kenyan girls celebrating the opening of the first safe house in Kenya to shelter girls threatened with female genital mutilation © Paula Allen
Hands gripping bars
Actor Jimmy Nesbitt holds a Protect the Human placard

Amnesty International UK is a company limited by guarantee. Registered in England no 01735872, registered office


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