On Our 19th Day Without Food, An Urgent Plea for Help
From: RISE Movement <null@mail.democracyinaction.org>
Dear Friends and Supporters,
On the 19th day of this historic Fast, we are writing because we urgently need your help.
Just two days before the November 4th election, we are amazed by the response of people all over the country to the Fast. Almost 300 people have fasted and joined the encampment in Los Angeles and a dozen courageous people haven't eaten anything since October 15th. Solidarity fasts are popping up from Santa Cruz, CA, Las Vegas, NV, and Lansing, MI to Cincinatti, OH, Washington, DC, and Miami, FL. The Fast has been covered extensively in local, national, and even international Spanish- and English-language media from Telemundo to CNN (check out the embedded video - we even came out good on Lou Dobbs!) Thousands of people are signing the Pledge across the country and election observers are expecting a record turnout among Latino, immigrant, and progressive voters on Tuesday.
All of this, and everything we do between now and when the polls close on Tuesday and we break the Fast on Wednesday, has been and will be possible because of you and your support. Now, we desperately need your financial support.
The Fast and encampment have cost well over $20,000. Medical monitoring and equipment for fasters, port-o-potties, printing, extension chords and duct tape, sanitation supplies, website infrastructure, minimal expenses for full-time organizers, wheel-chairs for fasters - even with an ethic of simplicity and a commitment to efficiency, there are so many things that have been essential to this historic campaign. Even with doctors volunteering to help monitor fasters, blood tests alone have cost over $2500. We are a grassroots, volunteer-driven operation, funded by the donations of supporters like you. Currently, we have raised less than 25% of the costs of the Fast and encampment. We need your help urgently. Please donate today and ask your friends and family to do the same.
Thousands of supporters are receiving this email. If just 1,000 of you pitch in $20, we can cover all the expenses of the Fast and build on the incredible success of this campaign to meet the rising demand we've inspired for further bold, nonviolent action to win immigrant rights.
Please, give whatever you can today - if it's $5, that's great! If you can give $100 or more, please do. Every amount helps. We urgently need your support, so we will carry on the Fast through the election, to motivate through our sacrifice every possible voter to exercise their power to demand respect for the human rights of immigrants. Together, we will make history and mobilize a massive march into the voting booths to open the door to a better future for immigrants and everyone in our country, and the world.
Si se puede!
The RISE team