In Mexico, a young student question Calderon and name spurious for the robbery of the presidency in 2006
The Alumn who called espurious to Calderón 04/10/2008 - 05:15 AM México, DF.- Andrés Gómez named spurious to Felipe Calderón, after receiving their award, given by the Premio Nacional de la Juventud organized by the the Instituto Nacional de la Juventud in Mexico. Andrés, who won the prize by own merits, mentioned this after Calderon was trying to letimate itself talking about the case of an indigenous woman who tried to fight for their legitimacy after an election in her town village was denied by fraud. This is exactly the opposite he did in the election of 2006. He was imposed like president despite he autoimposed like president. So after this speech Andres was upset about it and shouted. When the cremony finished, people of the presidential guard taken him isolated left to a judicial agency, despite the "president" said that was "freedom of expression" regarding Andres shout. Another student, Marco Virgilio Jiménez Santiago was also ques...