Mr President, five years ago I wrote that you "skedaddled" on 9/11.
The word was coined during the Civil War to describe those who ran
away from battle, which is what you did when you flew to faraway
hidey-holes after the Twin Towers attack.
I'm sure you didn't see my column, given your notorious reluctance to
venture beyond Washington and Texas. Others did read it, though, and
many of them were furious. They accused me of treason because I
pointed out your cowardice.
I wonder how those critics feel about you now.
At the time, the details of how you dodged service in Vietnam and then
went AWOL from the Air National Guard weren't widely reported by a
media that coddled you. Since 9/11, we've had many opportunities to
reflect on your history and observe you in action.
You refused to meet with the public except at tightly scripted affairs
where the people and their questions were screened.
You avoided New Orleans in the wake of