From: 2011/09/13/politica/015n2pol La Jornada Tuesday September 13, 2011, p. 15 September 12, 2011 The office of former President Carlos Salinas de Gortari received a letter from Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador degree in which the front row of a false assumption. As shown in AMAI communication (which is attached), at no time ex-President Salinas said his desire to discuss with Mr. López Obrador or any aspirant to any elective office. Consequently, without merit "acceptance" of the defeated presidential candidate in 2006 to the nonexistent "proposal" to hold a debate with the former president. So if a newspaper version prompted the presidential candidate and former candidate for the office again to be invited to hold some kind of exchange with the former president, you can now check that this invitation has not happened. And you can bet that neither will happen, because, unlike Mr. López Obrador, former President Salinas did not...
PEMEX or the acronym of PEtroleos MEXicanos, that is Mexican Oil, is the biggest and most important company of the Federal government. Expropiated by the Mexican government in 1938 with the money of the whole citizens, has been for longer the most important source of economical wealth for the country. Unfortunately due the vecinity with US, Mexico has no choice to become one of the most important supplier of that country. Mexico has been for longer the tempation of US for their wealthness of their natural resources, amomg them of course, the oil. Was during the presidency of Salinas de Gortari, one of the old regime, illegitimate president, who arised to the government after the "fall of the system" of the votes counting, when PEMEX again was opened to the foreign "investment", when instead of develop or strengthening of this resource, was sold very cheap with less added value in order to favor their friends, in and out of the country. Now, PEMEX tower, the ...
Mexique, la spirale de la barbarie LE MONDE | Par Editorial Abonnez-vous à partir de 1 € Réagir Classer Imprimer Envoyer Partager facebook twitter google + linkedin Dans ces colonnes mêmes, voilà deux ans, le président mexicain, Felipe Calderon , se félicitait des résultats de la guerre de grande envergure engagée, depuis le début de son mandat, en décembre 2006, contre le crime organisé et les narcotrafiquants. "Nous allons vaincre le crime" , assurait-il. Avant d' ajouter , à l'adresse de ceux qui s'inquiétaient de la progression vertigineuse de l'insécurité dans son pays : "Si vous voyez de la poussière, c'est parce que nous nettoyons la maison." Battu lors de l'électio...