Why we do not accept the invitation to Los Pinos

From: El Poder del Consumidor

Dear (a) consumer (a):

Consumer Power was invited to the official residence of Los Pinos to testify on Monday 25, the signing of the National Agreement for Food Safety. Strategy Against Overweight and Obesity "in the presence of President Felipe Calderón. However, we should reject the invitation by our disagreement with the respective public policy and because the terms of that agreement would be confidential and could not know until the time of submission. Read the details at:
(http://www.elpoderdelconsumidor.org/por-qu-no-accept-invitation-n-a -the-pinos.html)

This invitation came a few days after we went to the SEP to demand the establishment of precise criteria to ensure healthy food and drinks inside the schools. Request that so far has not had an official response.
(http://www.elpoderdelconsumidor.org/pide-out-the-food-scrap-of -escuelas.html)

Moreover, the invitation was made as hundreds of people were sending letters to the SEP and its own Presidency of the Republic, demanding the removal of junk food and drinks from schools.
(http://www.elpoderdelconsumidor.org/pide-out-the-food-scrap-of -escuelas.html)

Therefore, we asked about the terms of the Agreement prior to be submitted, to know whether we agreed with it. As the response to this request was no, we prefer not to attend this event.

These days we have also expressed our disagreement with other policies such as the decision to build a tram in the City "tour and second stories in more peripheral. Regarding the tram we noticed that this work does not address the massive needs for mobility in the capital and that investment should be reoriented to meet the offer made by Marcelo Ebrard campaign: to build a network with 10 Metrobus routes in an area of 200 km.
(http://www.elpoderdelconsumidor.org /request-cancel-in-streetcar -a-in-the-df.html)

Also, several people have said that they would be willing to leave your car parked and use public transport more often if it offered better security, efficiency, speed and convenience.
(http://www.elpoderdelconsumidor.org /user-dove-the-metro -metrob-s-and-train-ligero.html)

Do you think the same? Have your say at:
(http://www.elpoderdelconsumidor.org /opina.html)

Given the increases in fuel, follow some of the suggestions that allow you to reduce your transportation costs:
(http://www.elpoderdelconsumidor.org / uso_eficiente_del_transporte.html)

Offers of gifts, raffles and all kinds of awards have invaded the market, with the intention of encouraging the purchase of processed foods. Bimbo, for example, is promoting the entire line of cakes Marinela under the slogan of enthusiasm "for his gift wins". In reality, what they will gain some consumers is an overdose of sugar, low-quality processed flours, fats and additives. It is true that families seek to adjust their spending, but it is not appropriate to do so at the expense of the nutritional health of their children.

Consumer Power


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