I hate listening that word in voice of the anglo saxon people or the same latinamericans that identify themselves becase they have been named like that. That custom of using names of distinction for the people according with the social level, class or racial is a constant in USA or in saxon countries. In United States of America the pluriculturality induce to the self identification according with the colors, ethnical origins or just the language spoken. Is true that sometimes is useful using this or that denomination to refer some people, like the white guy, the oriental girl but from this to have to fill all the applications and even contest according with the color of the skin, or the ethnical origin is really a crap. Why not talking about the mass media whom help to support this idea of separation and DISCRIMINATION talking about the "latino" taste
Looking in the Wikipedia in Spanish I read:
In reference to:
  1. Unión Latina, the set of latin countries;
  2. The latinos, people form Ancient Italy (Latium);
  3. Latino – the eponim king of the ancient latinos;
  4. In Italy, term used to denotate the people of l Mezzogiorno, the region of the country located in the South of Rome.
  5. Latino in the inglish of United States;
  6. Latino – related to latin language or latin alphabet (abecedario);
  7. Latino – related to roman languages or neolatinss;
  8. Latino – in relationship with the Latin Empire of Constantinopla;
  9. Latino – related with latin people of Europa Latina or América Latina;
  10. Latino – Latin culture in Europae or América;
  11. Latino – Related with latina church or the Catholic roman Church or East.;
  12. Latin Rithms – huge quantity of musical genres linked to cultural heritage of latinamerican countris like salsa, cumbia, merengue,  vallenato, reggaeton, etc.

The generalization of the term «latino» or «latinoamericano» generate an imposition, therefore must be taken carefully because is commonly associated to Spanish speakers in Latinoamérica, but they are not the only one whose language is the only coming from latin, since we could mention Brazil or other countries.

La denomination, in USA is used to name the set of countries whose languages comes from the latin (romances), including Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, Rumania and others.


Nevertheless this last sentence is not completely true, since in USA when they refer to France or Italy, not only with certain respect, they refer to them like EUROPEANS and not like "Latinos" like the Mexicanss, Hondurans, Venezuelans, Nicaraguans people are denominated...

For us like latinoamericanos es a proud be, but be in USA get in a kind of stigmar hard to take because implicate a load of segregation because first of all we are human, men and women. We deserve the right of be treated like others and not additionally fight because of our origin that put our selves in disadvantage respect other nationalities.

Therefore, the next time if someone else ask me if I am latina, I would like to answer: "first of all I am human, later, woman, and I am Mexican, then Latinaomerican and by the way American, because I am living also in the American continent". 


Anonymous said…
I would like to add that all of Italy (Italia) is Latina and not just from Roma going down.
Apart from this it must be understood that the Latin Language (Lingua Latina) comes from Italy and not from Spain and therefore one need not be spanish-speaking to be considered a Latino or Latina.
Furthermore there is no difference between the term "Latin" and "Latino and "Latina".
The British and French say "Latin" without the "o" and all the others, that is Italians Portuguese,Romanians say "Latino"-"Latina".
Who invented the term "America Latina?" (Latin America). The French did it when with the Spaniards and Portuguese they colonized those parts of the "Americas" where Latin based languages,Christian Catholicism and Roman Laws were part of their civilization.
The French called the area:
Amerique Latine to make this distinction between the Anglo-Saxon( English-Speaking) Protestant North and their Latin-speaking, Catholic-Roman lands.
It was America Latina(Amerique Latine). Not Latino, Not Latina.
Just Latin-America.
Those who call themselves Latino or Latina dawn there are confusing history and doing a disservice to the European Latinos.

Please,Ibero-Americans are encouraged to learn the real Roman-Latin History and its development.
Italians are the number One Latinos.

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