Bread brand Bimbo reply... with no reply
From El Poder del Consumidor
From months ago this non-governamental organization, El poder del Consumidor, has analyzed the content of Whole Wheat Bimbo products, finding that the content does not collate with the information displayed in the package.
Therefore El Poder del Consumidor has requested information to Bimbo company just top know what is the percentage of amount of whole wheat in his product "pan integral Bimbo", known in USA like "Orowheat 100% whole wheat". The letter of request of information was published in one of the most important journals in Mexico, La Jornada, but the representants of the company just mentioned that their products " are of the best quality, they just use the best ingredients and that their technology is the ultimate according with the procedures in other countries and do not violates the mexican normativity" but they never answer the simple question: which is the percentage of content of the whole wheat in the breads?.
This information is well done for the products comercialized in Mexico that says is 21g of whole wheat, but for Mexican products this information is not displayed.
Facing this lack of reply, El Poder del Consumidor has requested again this information and has cited the definition of the elaboration of a whole wheat product: "whole grain" "including the essential parts y nuourishments of the whole wheat including the endosperm, the salvado and the germen".
Facing this lack of reply, El Poder del Consumidor has requested again this information and has cited the definition of the elaboration of a whole wheat product: "whole grain" "including the essential parts y nuourishments of the whole wheat including the endosperm, the salvado and the germen".
The real content of the product is of major importance since many people with chronic degenerative diseases like diabetes and overweight could be more affected ingesting this product.
Below you will find a Power Point presentation that indicates the way of Bimbo company has cheated the costumersl".
To get more info about El Poder del Consumidor
Below you will find a Power Point presentation that indicates the way of Bimbo company has cheated the costumersl".
To get more info about El Poder del Consumidor