In the cooperation for the development and not the use of coercive measurements, must be supported US-Mexico relatio: AMLO. Letter to Hillary Clinton

México, Distrito Federal
Wednesday 25, March, 2009

Sra. Hillary Clinton
Secretaria de Estado
Gobierno de los Estados
Unidos de América
P r e s e n t e

Respectful Mrs Clinton:

Although just to Mexicans concern face internal problems of our homeland, we consider pertinent, due the position you represent, to express you the sense of millions of Mexicans citizens who daily fight to make that justice and democracy become a reality in México.

From our vision, insecurity and violence in our country, was originated by the corruption and reignant impunity since 26 years ago we have not had economical growing and millions of young Mexicans have been marginalized to get education and no chance to get a job.

Is sure you know that all of this problem begun due the presence of 30 influences traficants and corrupt politicians, using the neoliberal politics like parapet, using the mexican State, goods of the nation and public budget to empower their selves. This looting politics has enriched a minority of people in an exagerated and obscene way, as have never happened in another part of the world, fact that has condemned the Mexican people to the exile and the survival.

Therefore, we believe that should be a mistake face the insecurity and the violence just with "iron hand", with army, jails, more severe laws and longer penalties. The solution to this flagellum of delinquency happens, necessarily to rescue the State, changing the current economical model and guaranty better life conditions and work to all the population. Does not be forget that peace and quiet are the fruit of the justice.

Mrs Clinton: in consequence, as we made it to know to the president Barack Obama in their opportunity, we sustain that the solution to migratory problem and the insecurity is not building walls, nor militarize the border, even increase the economical and social development of Mexico.

Therefore is indispensable that the relationship between México and United States be built in the cooperation for the development and not just in coercive measurements.

In the same way, we declare, despite we suffer of an usurper and failed government, whose weakness should bring to take agreements against the national interest, also exist an strong citizen movement of many Mexicans whom are decided to avoid any interventionist attitude with disposition to defend our right such as free and sovereign nation .

We regard you respect and wish you a good stay in our country,


Andrés Manuel López Obrador
Legitimate President of México


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