Today in the Journal "La Jornada" appears these image, with great eloquence we could see just a bit sample of the kind of the government it is in Mexico. The tittle says "Repression to teacher's school in Guerrero". Could you imagine what is the origin of this repression?. Simply:
Young teachers worried by the education of the people of Guerrero (yes, the State where is located the famous Acapulco beach) who asked for more positions like educators were violently damaged, one of them injured and three photographers also injured, one of them with his camera destroyed. What we could claim if the people that suppose to be apply justice is making this, juts for ask for positions FOR THE EDUCATION!!!

Pedro Pardo
Un elemento de la PFP golpea a un alumno
La PFP desalojó violentamente a estudiantes de la normal rural de Ayotzinapa que tomaron la caseta de cobro de la Autopista del Sol en La Venta, a la entrada de Acapulco, para exigir más plazas de maestros. Los agentes detuvieron a 56 jóvenes –que además cerraron el acceso a esa vía– y los trasladaron a la delegación de la PGR en el puerto. Un normalista que quiso huir fue arrastrado por un autobús, lo que le provocó lesiones severas. A su vez, tres fotógrafos de medios locales fueron golpeados y a uno le rompieron la cámara Foto Pedro Pardo /La Jornada Guerrero
Misael Habana de los Santos, corresponsal
"THE FEDERAL PREVENTIVE POLICE [OF MEXICO] EJECTED VIOLENTLYU STUDENTS OF THE SHOOL OF TEACHERS OF AYOTZINAPA THAT TAKEN THE sol road in la venta, in the entrance of acapulco to ask for mores positions for teachers. Cops stoped 56 young people (teachers), in addition closed the way, and were taken to the police station of the port. One student of teacher wanted to escape and was beaten by a bus with major injuries. As well three photographers were beaten and to one of hem, the camera was broken".