Electoral fraud is visible and demonstrable in the
Mexican presidential election. The proof can be
found in the polling-site tally sheets as well
as in the real-time reports from the two
polling-data databases of the Federal
Electoral Institute (IFE): the Program of
Preliminary Electoral Results (PREP) and
the District Tallies (CD).
Every polling-site check and polling-site tally
Every polling-site check and polling-site tally
contains three pieces of information:
1. The identity of the state, electoral district,
city, ward, and neighborhood, as well as the
nature of the polling location and its address.
2. The number of total ballots, their final
disposition, and the number
of voters.
of voters.
a) The total number of ballots received at the
polling place before it opened for voting in
the presidential election.
b) The total number of ballots that were
b) The total number of ballots that were
not cast (i.e. not used by voters) and which
were thus discarded by officials.
c) The total number of citizens that voted.
d) The total number of presidential ballots
c) The total number of citizens that voted.
d) The total number of presidential ballots
deposited in the voting
3. The results of the vote.
a) PAN
b) Alliance for México
c) Coalition for the good of all
d) New Alliance
e) Social-Democratic and Agricultural Alternative
f) Write-in votes for candidates that were not registered
g) Nullified votes
All of this polling-site data can be found
in the Preliminary Results database (PREP)
of the IFE. In contrast, the District Tally
database (CD) excludes information about
the total number of ballots per polling place,
their final disposition, and the number of voters.
their final disposition, and the number of voters.
The CD database also does not record revisions
to the district tallies. It only reports the results of
the vote for each party, the number of nullified
the vote for each party, the number of nullified
votes, and the number of write in votes.
The polling-site check and the polling-site tally
provide the inputs for the two real-time databases:
the Preliminary Results database (PREP) and
District Tally database (CD). These tallies are
District Tally database (CD). These tallies are
produced at the close of voting for the president
of the republic. Both polling-site tallies first feed
into the District Tally database (CD). The PREP
into the District Tally database (CD). The PREP
database should then be a spitting image of the CD.
First problem
An analysis of 117,287 polling sites recorded in the
Preliminary Results database (PREP) that included
complete data in all fields—though excluding foreign
votes and inconsistent tallies—finds that The vote totals
(i.e. the sum of all the votes cast for the five parties
along with write-in votes and nullified votes) plus the
along with write-in votes and nullified votes) plus the
unused votes do not equal the received number of ballots
This discrepancy is prima facie evidence of tampering.
The sum of cast and un-cast ballots must equal the number
of ballots received by each polling place.
For example, if a polling place had 250 voters who cast
ballots and another 250 ballots that went unused by voters,
then the final tally should show 500.
However, this is not the case in the final tallies of
56,507 polling places. In turn, these discrepant tallies
affect 1,104,376 votes. Hence it is clear that in each
of these polling places votes were added or subtracted.
These tallies can be categorized as follows.
These tallies can be categorized as follows.
Polling places Altered votes. The total vote
plus unused ballots is greater than the ballots
received 22,932 740,451votes without support
by ballots.
The total vote plus unused ballots is less than
the ballots received 33,575 363,925 eliminated
Totals 56,507 1,104,376 altered votes
Second problem
However, this is not all. If one were to exclude
all of the data from the above 56,507 polling sites
--so as to avoid any possible repetition of
similar “arithmetic errors”--and thus proceed to
similar “arithmetic errors”--and thus proceed to
analyze the remaining 60,780 polling sites,
you would find that
The vote totals themselves (i.e. the sum of all the
cast for the five parties along with write-in votes
and nullified votes) do not equal the number of
cast ballots.
For example, if there were 250 ballots cast in a
voting box, then the sum of the votes for each
of the electoral options must equal 250. In other
words, there cannot be more or less votes recorded
words, there cannot be more or less votes recorded
than the number of ballots deposited in the voting box.
Nevertheless, this is not the case in 6,739 voting tallies.
In turn, these discrepancies affect 199,465 votes.
Thus, it is clear again that in each of these polling places
votes were added or subtracted. These tallies can be
categorized as follows.
categorized as follows.
Polling places Vote totals
Voting totals greater than deposited ballots
5,652 123,860 votes without support by ballots
Voting totals less than deposited ballots
Voting totals less than deposited ballots
1,087 75,605 eliminated votes
Totals 6,739 199,465 altered votes
Totals 6,739 199,465 altered votes
Third problem
Moreover, if the data of these remaining 54,041
tallies are analyzed using the names and registrations:
The vote total (i.e. the sum of the votes obtained
by the parties plus write-in and nullified votes) added
to the un-cast ballots should be equal to the list of
voters' names plus ten extra votes (ballots for
representatives of each party); i.e. the sum should
equal the number of ballots legally allocated to each
polling place.
For example, if the list of names of people who voted
at a polling place (which would be registered voters on
the voting list of that polling place) plus ten additional
ballots were to sum to 500, then the sum of the cast
and un-cast ballots should equal 500.
and un-cast ballots should equal 500.
Nevertheless, this is not the case in 8,740 tallies of
polling places. As a result, there are 258,822 altered
Polling places Altered votes
Total votes plus uncast ballots that are greater than
the voting list plus ten 1,493 34,551 votes
without support by ballots
Total votes plus uncast ballots that are less than the
voting list plus ten 7,247 224,271 eliminated votes
Total 8,740 258,822 altered votes
Fourth problem
If the data on the remaining 45,301 polling-place
tallies is analyzed according to a different set of
criteria, we get another discrepancy. Cast ballots
plus the un-cast ballots that are less than the list of
voters plus 10
voters plus 10
In contrast to the previous case, this analysis finds
tallies that show cast ballots equal to zero.
This situation can be found in 211 polling-place
tallies. As a result, there are 58,525 altered votes.
tallies. As a result, there are 58,525 altered votes.
Total polling places
Total votes
Total 211 58,525 eliminated
The four previous criteria and problems sum to
72,197 polling-place tallies.
Criteria Votes without support by ballots
Eliminated votes
1 740,451 363,925
2 123,860 75,605
3 34,551 224,271
4 58,525
Total 898,862 722,326
Thus, in more than 72,197 polling places, there
are votes tallied that are either not supported by
voters or there are votes that were eliminated.
Moreover, in these polling places, the total number
of false votes added in an illegal manner is 898,862.
Whereas, the number of eliminated votes is
As a result, according to the Preliminary Results
database (PREP), there are 1,621,188 votes that
were either eliminated or added illegally.
These irregularities and discrepancies were more
than enough to throw the election.
The Federal Electoral Institute (IFE) reported that
the difference between Calderón y López Obrador
was only 0.6%. This analysis has found that the
number of incorrectly eliminated or added votes
sums to 3.9% of the total vote.