On the 2nd of July of this year, in Mexico people voted, but still a president is not recognize. Why?. Before answer this question we have to see what happened before this situation:
On the 2nd of July of the year 2000 most of Mexicans voted against the PRI (Revolutionary Institutional Party), a political party that governed the country during 70 years. People voted for the candidate of PAN (National Action Party), Vicente Fox representing the right wing. Population was motivated to vote for a “change” in the politics and economy of Mexico because the PRI was the only one political force until then. Before then, presidents were not democratically elected, because the whole state system was serving to the president in turn supported by the “justice and legislative powers”. Mexican population for decades was fighting against PRI obtaining political repression and even dead of many them, mainly of the left wing.
During the last decade, mexican economical situation has been aggravated with the application of neoliberal strategies and the desincorparation of main strategic industries as well as the lack of support to agriculture, industry of petroleum extraction (PEMEX) and electric power production (Federal Electricity Commission) and the increasing of the national debt , with obvious disadvantages in the quality of life of the population because a diminished investment in education, public health and support to agriculture, joined to increased corruption of the cupules of the power and business men. In front this economical situation, the population once again tried by political means get the power. On July of 1988, year of election a high percentage of the people voted against the PRI, voting for the candidate of the PRD (Democratic Revolutionary Party, of the left moderated wing), Cuauhtemoc Cardenas who was elected democratically. The political system of then felt menaced their privileges and because Cardenas won, once again the complete system of PRI was put it on, different strategies were pulled to defeat the right election and a fraud was committed during the counting of votes by the Federal Electoral Institute (IFE), because there was a “felt down” in the computing system. Despite the impugnation, the candidate of PRI, Salinas de Gortari was recognized like the president elected, so since then, Salinas is recognized for some part of the population like the “usurpator”.
When Fox won the election on the year 2000 many of the procedures in the IFE were changing and there was not doubt of their electoral victory because the advantage in proportion of the votes was clear, compared with their adversary, the PRI candidate (Labastida). That result was possible after many deads, problems and impositions but what else?.
Behind this supposed electoral victory, Salinas de Gortari the ex-president, other politicians and members of different privileged enterprises by the economical politics of Salinas were supporting economically the political campaign of Fox, despite he represented the opposition to the PRI!!!. Why?. Because since 1992 the economy in the world and especially in Latin America was beaten by the effect of the recession in US and a great debt was obtained for many bankers, so the Mexican government supported them and a private debt was converted in a public debt for Mexican people (FOBAPROA). Only 4% of that debt of “banker rescue” belonged to the population, the other 96% was a debt product of bad managements of the bankers and their profits coming from the sale of the banks evaditing taxes for their salel Lot of money coming from those transactions was used to support political campaigns for the candidates of PRI and PAN for 1993, 1998 and 2000. In this way, the prerogatives of the bankers and business men wouldn’t fail and they wouldn’t go jail for their abuses. In this collusion, the party in the power, PRI (1992-2000) and PAN (2000 until now) have been the supporters of those cheatings against the public economy included the Fox’s friends who supported monetary their campaign.
How have been the six years period of government of Fox?. Was the change of a political party a reality?. The corruption acts, excesses and crimes of the cabinet of Fox, friends of him, bankers and owners of national and transnational enterprises in and abroad Mexico were privileged with the lack of payment of taxes and even supported economically, as well a nepotism of his second wife (the ex-spokeswoman of him at the beginning of their presidency), M Sahagun and her family. The result of this situation is that in Mexico, currently we can find 7 of the most wealthy persons in the world (according with Forbes magazine) contrasting with more than 50 millions of miserable in the country, while in Europe no one country have an exponent of people like this. Many politicians have been protected by this government of “The Change”, resulting that nothing has changed but instead have been aggravated except for one thing, the information to the population is more open and is less difficult to know what is happening in the domestically finances. The situation is worst, in six years the violence in streets of different parts of the country has increased because the diminishing the life’s level, increasing the poverty because the lack of opportunities to get a well remunerated work, and the lost of employments as well as, the possibility to get a better level of life with dignity. Example: a retired person who worked during 30 years receives an income of almost 150 US dlls a month. Right now, almost 40 million of Mexicans live with one of the most lower income per capita in the continent, problem that favors the migration of millions of Mexicans to USA, people that works in the land and professionals that migrates because the government do not favor the support the education, research and technology that could be the best way to improve the level of the life of many Mexican people.
The 2nd of July of this year, the candidates for the PRD, Andres Manuel Lopez-Obrador (AMLO) and of the PAN, Felipe Calderon participated in the election. The possibilities for AMLO to participate were not less difficult. Almost one year before to his candidature, AMLO who was the Major of Mexico City, was profiling like a good candidate for the sympathy of the population at least of Mexico City, since then was intimated to be out of the way for their candidature. Lopez Obrador was intended to be “desaforado” (be denied of their citizens rights), because he intended TO CONSTRUCT A WAY TO ARRIVE TO AN A HOSPITAL!!!. But why?. Two years before, on 2004 was clear that Fox, their wife and corrupt politicians with economical interests initiated a judgement against him to eliminate their political rights still like Mayor of the City driven him to the jail and quit him for the election. How it would be possible if he was behaving right and their popularity with the people was increasing with a clear perspective to be chosen like candidate for Presidente for his party.
A judge was interposed against him because he denied paying a huge debt that should be paid by the Government of Mexico City to a particular owner of a land that connected to the hospital. That owner and that debt did not exist as Lopez Obrador proved. Who was the responsible of the case?. Cevallos a lawyer, member of the PAN a very well connotated member of the “Yunque” (association of extreme right wing similar to KKK with “Christian” basements capable even of kill for their principles) initiated a judgment against the Major of Mexico City, Lopez-Obrador. The lawyer Cevallos owner of many beaches in Acapulco and lands in Queretaro was juror and part in this case. He was the leader of PAN deputies during the government of Fox and at the same time was fighting against the interest of STATE defending the “owner” of the land in dispute!!!. So he was boycotting the same State because he intended to win many millions of dollars if the case was won at expenses of the public treasury. Can you imagine that perversity? (This looks so stupid if we consider he is living in this country, as well as his large family). The person who was fighting for the debt was an impostor, as well as the documents, so, the intended judgment was fraudulent and done to quit the Mayor AMLO to avoid their participation in the election. AMLO was waiting to go to the jail, when was supposed that the infraction of the law just required, in case of be true, an “administrative sanction” that did not deserved the jail and never denying their civil rights. AMLO courageous was waiting for the jail to empower their political situation. Thousands of citizens were organized to support him against the “law imposed”. But it was not all, deputies of PAN paid the sanction to avoid that AMLO be put on jail and avoid a bigger scandal, international. The solution to the case was ridiculous, the president and the authorities put forward the action without sanction recognizing that he was not guilty. The supposed owner was put in jail.
But, why the government wanted to quit Lopez-Obrador since then?. Because the ambitious first lady (the ex-spokeswoman of Fox, Martha Sahagun), wanted to participate in the elections of July 2nd of 2006 to keep the service of government for the family. So despite of their wishes, she was not recognized like candidate, even for PAN member, and their candidature, never proposed, was hardly debated and criticized even when was not formally proposed. So the last choice of a favorite candidate to be elected like president, to continue for the next years, to support the abuses of current presidential couple (Fox and Sahagun), were among the members of the PAN, Santiago Creel, the ex-Government Secretary. An internal election in the party was done and the members of the PAN, voted and finally Felipe Calderon ex-president of PAN was elected like candidate for president election of July the 2nd.
But what previous story encloses Calderon?. At the beginning he was not supported for the couple, although finally was protected. Supporting also came from abroad, foreign interest and a small group of investors of Germany. During the Fox government, Calderon was the leader of PAN deputies and later chosen like Secretary of energy, secretary that administrates petroleum and electric power. He participated actively together other member of PRI to hide the names of the bankers involved in the FOBAPROA (one of the most scandalous private debt applied to the population of Mexico in the modern Mexico invented to “avoid the economical inflation”, resulting in the diminishing of the budget of the economical support for social politics for education, health insurance and support for agriculture and production). Now, in Mexico still we have not a President elected despite Calderon recognizes himself like the winner after the testable cheating and counter propaganda done against Lopez Obrador, the candidate of the left wing.
But what could be the scenery if Calderon wins?:
This could mean succeeding of neoliberal politics of inequality, remaining of drastical economical differences like until now. Advantages for big foreign corporations, and enterprises. Capability of US government to intervene in domestic politics (as have be done until now), exacerbation of support of the right wing in government, offering benefits to keep the property and management of petroleum and their derivates, as well as, in companies of power supply on the baisis of the capability of making changes in the Constitution of the country. The resulting would be the increasing of the cost of light power and fuel like is happening right now in US. Big enterprises will be welcome to this land taking advantage of getting better incomes favored by the low taxes at expenses of cheap hand work of Mexicans joined to unequal labor guaranties allowed by the collusion of Mexican authorities and betraying of syndical leaders bribed by the corporations and government itself. Could represent that Mexico could be turned in the big gate against the “social politics” coming from South America for the possible union of the different Latin American economies that could be strength the geographical are in association with Mexico.
The way of making corrupted politics in Mexico, did not changed with the PAN and instead increased in just 6 years!!. The commanding of drug leaders in politics is determinant, and the collusion of US government officers has allowed the increasing of the troubles for the pass of drugs to different countries, mainly to US and the lack of punishment for those involved in their responsibility for sexual traffic and organ traffic of children and women. Unequal conditions for Mexicans will induce the migration of thousands of Mexican workers who are looking for better conditions of life because in Mexico their life and rights should be violated.
AMLO in counterpart, the Major of the capital of Mexico, during their government promoted a social politics to support the most poor and unprotected population, with a very restricted budget (Mexico City depends of senators and deputies to get their economical budget) approved by the political adversaries just in the third part of the total like a punishment. Their austere economical management allowed keeping the support to the people with lower income, building a university for the city, a small hospital. He built important ways of transportation (2nd floors). He improved public transport, bought new wagons. Enlarged the metro net and set a less polluting transport in one of the largest avenues in the world. Also he improved the sighting of Mexico City in the downtown with the support of important business men. Worried by the people in places of lower incomes, surrounding the City supported him with credits. Diminished in some way the criminality compared with previous years and the debt contracted for the City. One of the most hard counter-propaganda to AMLO was made by the government of Fox, PAN, PRI and enterprise owners privileged, because Lopez Obrador during their campaign promised to diminishing the income of the high officers those who have an oprobius income over 1500 US Dlls a month without the political prerrogatives fre of taxes and additional support of payment of other expense charged to public treasury!!!, as well as, the promise to make justice for the political abuses of the current people governing, those who are colluted with bankers were involved in FOBAPROA, corrupt owners of enterprises many of them protected by narcotraficants and members of the hierarchy of Catholic Church.
Outside and inside of Mexico during the political campaign of the candidates a dirty war was done against Lopez Obrador. The PAN and the coordinator enterprising council (CCE) (donated millions of dollars to support that dirty campaign) treating to convince to the people that AMLO was a “danger for the country” because their way of government could be of a radical socialist similar to Chavez government that could damage and revert the economical politics and social stability.
Despite of this situation, July the 2nd arrived and all of us trusted in the process of election because in the last elections the opposition candidate won and was supposed that the IFE would be neutral. Unfortunately a week before during the president’s candidate debate was known that the brother in law of Calderon was involved in the management and configuration of the program designated for counting the votes. He was also benefited with contracts for different governmental offices (supported by Calderon). In the IFE the reviewing of the counting system program was done for different members of the parties and was supposed that the program and procedure would be trustable (now is known that the information of voters was crossed and the possibility of PAN to commit fraud was done because their people were put in strategically places).
More than the 60% of Mexicans voted to elect their candidate. Many of them voted for Calderon but many others voted for AMLO and much less than a third part voted for Madrazo (another benefited by Fobaproa, candidate of PRI). Previous results coming from the counting of the IFE showed that the final result did not allowed knowing who got the majority of votes (final counting of different stalls and recent polls indicated that LOPEZ OBRADOR had a majority like President elected by Mexicans). After all the president of IFE (cosponsor of Calderon and buddy drinks of Calderon) announced that on July the 5th the complete computing could offer the final result of the election. On July 5th, Almost during the whole day the 98% of computing showed many points of difference of AMLO over Calderon but was almost at the end (4am) that a majority of .58 percent was done in favor of Calderon. The draud was obvious, results of graphic plots never showed crossing of data (I mean AMLO and Calderon should be fluctuating in amount, once over AMLO, once under AMLO). Before that result in the preliminary counting many votes in favor of AMLO were not counted. Was almost a lack of 2.5 million of votes in favor of AMLO were discarded and lately added when the impugnation was done. Mathematical plot of results coming from the IFE was not real according with results. Many irregularities were observed and documented, like filling of cages with votes even with a higher number when the final number of the votes was lower. In places were represents of the PRD were not present, votes in favor of AMLO were eliminated and added to Calderon. At this time, impugnation has been presented to the electoral tribunal by AMLO and PRD, presenting some proofs. So that is the state of art in the election for president. We are waiting for the resolution, even today some journals indicates that perhaps the election could be annulated and a substitute could be chosen preferred for Fox.
Calderon have not the moral quality to be president and could be the modern usurpator. Weather he and their party persist do not accepting the counting of vote by vote as is asked for AMLO, PRD and the population. The political situation and gobernability could be turned difficult for both parts. Right now the polarization is more present and some cases of violence is arising. AMLO, PRD and Mexican population pacifically are demanding counting of vote by vote. AMLO and people is promoting A PACIFIC CIVIL RESISTENCE, but the members PAN are intending to present that AMLO as a beligerant people who do not respect the official result of the [fraud] elections. They are showing an negative image of him with commercial spots in and abroad of Mexico. AMLO and Mexicans are demanding legitimacy of results of the election because we want that our vote be respected.
On the 2nd of July of this year, in Mexico people voted, but still a president is not recognize. Why?. Before answer this question we have to see what happened before this situation:
On the 2nd of July of the year 2000 most of Mexicans voted against the PRI (Revolutionary Institutional Party), a political party that governed the country during 70 years. People voted for the candidate of PAN (National Action Party), Vicente Fox representing the right wing. Population was motivated to vote for a “change” in the politics and economy of Mexico because the PRI was the only one political force until then. Before then, presidents were not democratically elected, because the whole state system was serving to the president in turn supported by the “justice and legislative powers”. Mexican population for decades was fighting against PRI obtaining political repression and even dead of many them, mainly of the left wing.
During the last decade, mexican economical situation has been aggravated with the application of neoliberal strategies and the desincorparation of main strategic industries as well as the lack of support to agriculture, industry of petroleum extraction (PEMEX) and electric power production (Federal Electricity Commission) and the increasing of the national debt , with obvious disadvantages in the quality of life of the population because a diminished investment in education, public health and support to agriculture, joined to increased corruption of the cupules of the power and business men. In front this economical situation, the population once again tried by political means get the power. On July of 1988, year of election a high percentage of the people voted against the PRI, voting for the candidate of the PRD (Democratic Revolutionary Party, of the left moderated wing), Cuauhtemoc Cardenas who was elected democratically. The political system of then felt menaced their privileges and because Cardenas won, once again the complete system of PRI was put it on, different strategies were pulled to defeat the right election and a fraud was committed during the counting of votes by the Federal Electoral Institute (IFE), because there was a “felt down” in the computing system. Despite the impugnation, the candidate of PRI, Salinas de Gortari was recognized like the president elected, so since then, Salinas is recognized for some part of the population like the “usurpator”.
When Fox won the election on the year 2000 many of the procedures in the IFE were changing and there was not doubt of their electoral victory because the advantage in proportion of the votes was clear, compared with their adversary, the PRI candidate (Labastida). That result was possible after many deads, problems and impositions but what else?.
Behind this supposed electoral victory, Salinas de Gortari the ex-president, other politicians and members of different privileged enterprises by the economical politics of Salinas were supporting economically the political campaign of Fox, despite he represented the opposition to the PRI!!!. Why?. Because since 1992 the economy in the world and especially in Latin America was beaten by the effect of the recession in US and a great debt was obtained for many bankers, so the Mexican government supported them and a private debt was converted in a public debt for Mexican people (FOBAPROA). Only 4% of that debt of “banker rescue” belonged to the population, the other 96% was a debt product of bad managements of the bankers and their profits coming from the sale of the banks evaditing taxes for their salel Lot of money coming from those transactions was used to support political campaigns for the candidates of PRI and PAN for 1993, 1998 and 2000. In this way, the prerogatives of the bankers and business men wouldn’t fail and they wouldn’t go jail for their abuses. In this collusion, the party in the power, PRI (1992-2000) and PAN (2000 until now) have been the supporters of those cheatings against the public economy included the Fox’s friends who supported monetary their campaign.
How have been the six years period of government of Fox?. Was the change of a political party a reality?. The corruption acts, excesses and crimes of the cabinet of Fox, friends of him, bankers and owners of national and transnational enterprises in and abroad Mexico were privileged with the lack of payment of taxes and even supported economically, as well a nepotism of his second wife (the ex-spokeswoman of him at the beginning of their presidency), M Sahagun and her family. The result of this situation is that in Mexico, currently we can find 7 of the most wealthy persons in the world (according with Forbes magazine) contrasting with more than 50 millions of miserable in the country, while in Europe no one country have an exponent of people like this. Many politicians have been protected by this government of “The Change”, resulting that nothing has changed but instead have been aggravated except for one thing, the information to the population is more open and is less difficult to know what is happening in the domestically finances. The situation is worst, in six years the violence in streets of different parts of the country has increased because the diminishing the life’s level, increasing the poverty because the lack of opportunities to get a well remunerated work, and the lost of employments as well as, the possibility to get a better level of life with dignity. Example: a retired person who worked during 30 years receives an income of almost 150 US dlls a month. Right now, almost 40 million of Mexicans live with one of the most lower income per capita in the continent, problem that favors the migration of millions of Mexicans to USA, people that works in the land and professionals that migrates because the government do not favor the support the education, research and technology that could be the best way to improve the level of the life of many Mexican people.
The 2nd of July of this year, the candidates for the PRD, Andres Manuel Lopez-Obrador (AMLO) and of the PAN, Felipe Calderon participated in the election. The possibilities for AMLO to participate were not less difficult. Almost one year before to his candidature, AMLO who was the Major of Mexico City, was profiling like a good candidate for the sympathy of the population at least of Mexico City, since then was intimated to be out of the way for their candidature. Lopez Obrador was intended to be “desaforado” (be denied of their citizens rights), because he intended TO CONSTRUCT A WAY TO ARRIVE TO AN A HOSPITAL!!!. But why?. Two years before, on 2004 was clear that Fox, their wife and corrupt politicians with economical interests initiated a judgement against him to eliminate their political rights still like Mayor of the City driven him to the jail and quit him for the election. How it would be possible if he was behaving right and their popularity with the people was increasing with a clear perspective to be chosen like candidate for Presidente for his party.
A judge was interposed against him because he denied paying a huge debt that should be paid by the Government of Mexico City to a particular owner of a land that connected to the hospital. That owner and that debt did not exist as Lopez Obrador proved. Who was the responsible of the case?. Cevallos a lawyer, member of the PAN a very well connotated member of the “Yunque” (association of extreme right wing similar to KKK with “Christian” basements capable even of kill for their principles) initiated a judgment against the Major of Mexico City, Lopez-Obrador. The lawyer Cevallos owner of many beaches in Acapulco and lands in Queretaro was juror and part in this case. He was the leader of PAN deputies during the government of Fox and at the same time was fighting against the interest of STATE defending the “owner” of the land in dispute!!!. So he was boycotting the same State because he intended to win many millions of dollars if the case was won at expenses of the public treasury. Can you imagine that perversity? (This looks so stupid if we consider he is living in this country, as well as his large family). The person who was fighting for the debt was an impostor, as well as the documents, so, the intended judgment was fraudulent and done to quit the Mayor AMLO to avoid their participation in the election. AMLO was waiting to go to the jail, when was supposed that the infraction of the law just required, in case of be true, an “administrative sanction” that did not deserved the jail and never denying their civil rights. AMLO courageous was waiting for the jail to empower their political situation. Thousands of citizens were organized to support him against the “law imposed”. But it was not all, deputies of PAN paid the sanction to avoid that AMLO be put on jail and avoid a bigger scandal, international. The solution to the case was ridiculous, the president and the authorities put forward the action without sanction recognizing that he was not guilty. The supposed owner was put in jail.
But, why the government wanted to quit Lopez-Obrador since then?. Because the ambitious first lady (the ex-spokeswoman of Fox, Martha Sahagun), wanted to participate in the elections of July 2nd of 2006 to keep the service of government for the family. So despite of their wishes, she was not recognized like candidate, even for PAN member, and their candidature, never proposed, was hardly debated and criticized even when was not formally proposed. So the last choice of a favorite candidate to be elected like president, to continue for the next years, to support the abuses of current presidential couple (Fox and Sahagun), were among the members of the PAN, Santiago Creel, the ex-Government Secretary. An internal election in the party was done and the members of the PAN, voted and finally Felipe Calderon ex-president of PAN was elected like candidate for president election of July the 2nd.
But what previous story encloses Calderon?. At the beginning he was not supported for the couple, although finally was protected. Supporting also came from abroad, foreign interest and a small group of investors of Germany. During the Fox government, Calderon was the leader of PAN deputies and later chosen like Secretary of energy, secretary that administrates petroleum and electric power. He participated actively together other member of PRI to hide the names of the bankers involved in the FOBAPROA (one of the most scandalous private debt applied to the population of Mexico in the modern Mexico invented to “avoid the economical inflation”, resulting in the diminishing of the budget of the economical support for social politics for education, health insurance and support for agriculture and production). Now, in Mexico still we have not a President elected despite Calderon recognizes himself like the winner after the testable cheating and counter propaganda done against Lopez Obrador, the candidate of the left wing.
But what could be the scenery if Calderon wins?:
This could mean succeeding of neoliberal politics of inequality, remaining of drastical economical differences like until now. Advantages for big foreign corporations, and enterprises. Capability of US government to intervene in domestic politics (as have be done until now), exacerbation of support of the right wing in government, offering benefits to keep the property and management of petroleum and their derivates, as well as, in companies of power supply on the baisis of the capability of making changes in the Constitution of the country. The resulting would be the increasing of the cost of light power and fuel like is happening right now in US. Big enterprises will be welcome to this land taking advantage of getting better incomes favored by the low taxes at expenses of cheap hand work of Mexicans joined to unequal labor guaranties allowed by the collusion of Mexican authorities and betraying of syndical leaders bribed by the corporations and government itself. Could represent that Mexico could be turned in the big gate against the “social politics” coming from South America for the possible union of the different Latin American economies that could be strength the geographical are in association with Mexico.
The way of making corrupted politics in Mexico, did not changed with the PAN and instead increased in just 6 years!!. The commanding of drug leaders in politics is determinant, and the collusion of US government officers has allowed the increasing of the troubles for the pass of drugs to different countries, mainly to US and the lack of punishment for those involved in their responsibility for sexual traffic and organ traffic of children and women. Unequal conditions for Mexicans will induce the migration of thousands of Mexican workers who are looking for better conditions of life because in Mexico their life and rights should be violated.
AMLO in counterpart, the Major of the capital of Mexico, during their government promoted a social politics to support the most poor and unprotected population, with a very restricted budget (Mexico City depends of senators and deputies to get their economical budget) approved by the political adversaries just in the third part of the total like a punishment. Their austere economical management allowed keeping the support to the people with lower income, building a university for the city, a small hospital. He built important ways of transportation (2nd floors). He improved public transport, bought new wagons. Enlarged the metro net and set a less polluting transport in one of the largest avenues in the world. Also he improved the sighting of Mexico City in the downtown with the support of important business men. Worried by the people in places of lower incomes, surrounding the City supported him with credits. Diminished in some way the criminality compared with previous years and the debt contracted for the City. One of the most hard counter-propaganda to AMLO was made by the government of Fox, PAN, PRI and enterprise owners privileged, because Lopez Obrador during their campaign promised to diminishing the income of the high officers those who have an oprobius income over 1500 US Dlls a month without the political prerrogatives fre of taxes and additional support of payment of other expense charged to public treasury!!!, as well as, the promise to make justice for the political abuses of the current people governing, those who are colluted with bankers were involved in FOBAPROA, corrupt owners of enterprises many of them protected by narcotraficants and members of the hierarchy of Catholic Church.
Outside and inside of Mexico during the political campaign of the candidates a dirty war was done against Lopez Obrador. The PAN and the coordinator enterprising council (CCE) (donated millions of dollars to support that dirty campaign) treating to convince to the people that AMLO was a “danger for the country” because their way of government could be of a radical socialist similar to Chavez government that could damage and revert the economical politics and social stability.
Despite of this situation, July the 2nd arrived and all of us trusted in the process of election because in the last elections the opposition candidate won and was supposed that the IFE would be neutral. Unfortunately a week before during the president’s candidate debate was known that the brother in law of Calderon was involved in the management and configuration of the program designated for counting the votes. He was also benefited with contracts for different governmental offices (supported by Calderon). In the IFE the reviewing of the counting system program was done for different members of the parties and was supposed that the program and procedure would be trustable (now is known that the information of voters was crossed and the possibility of PAN to commit fraud was done because their people were put in strategically places).
More than the 60% of Mexicans voted to elect their candidate. Many of them voted for Calderon but many others voted for AMLO and much less than a third part voted for Madrazo (another benefited by Fobaproa, candidate of PRI). Previous results coming from the counting of the IFE showed that the final result did not allowed knowing who got the majority of votes (final counting of different stalls and recent polls indicated that LOPEZ OBRADOR had a majority like President elected by Mexicans). After all the president of IFE (cosponsor of Calderon and buddy drinks of Calderon) announced that on July the 5th the complete computing could offer the final result of the election. On July 5th, Almost during the whole day the 98% of computing showed many points of difference of AMLO over Calderon but was almost at the end (4am) that a majority of .58 percent was done in favor of Calderon. The draud was obvious, results of graphic plots never showed crossing of data (I mean AMLO and Calderon should be fluctuating in amount, once over AMLO, once under AMLO). Before that result in the preliminary counting many votes in favor of AMLO were not counted. Was almost a lack of 2.5 million of votes in favor of AMLO were discarded and lately added when the impugnation was done. Mathematical plot of results coming from the IFE was not real according with results. Many irregularities were observed and documented, like filling of cages with votes even with a higher number when the final number of the votes was lower. In places were represents of the PRD were not present, votes in favor of AMLO were eliminated and added to Calderon. At this time, impugnation has been presented to the electoral tribunal by AMLO and PRD, presenting some proofs. So that is the state of art in the election for president. We are waiting for the resolution, even today some journals indicates that perhaps the election could be annulated and a substitute could be chosen preferred for Fox.
Calderon have not the moral quality to be president and could be the modern usurpator. Weather he and their party persist do not accepting the counting of vote by vote as is asked for AMLO, PRD and the population. The political situation and gobernability could be turned difficult for both parts. Right now the polarization is more present and some cases of violence is arising. AMLO, PRD and Mexican population pacifically are demanding counting of vote by vote. AMLO and people is promoting A PACIFIC CIVIL RESISTENCE, but the members PAN are intending to present that AMLO as a beligerant people who do not respect the official result of the [fraud] elections. They are showing an negative image of him with commercial spots in and abroad of Mexico. AMLO and Mexicans are demanding legitimacy of results of the election because we want that our vote be respected.