
Showing posts from August, 2006


july 31, 2006 PROTEST IN LONDON ¡¡¡¡VOTO POR VOTO!!!! We met almost 50 persons in Mexico Embassy in London to ask for voto por voto, casilla por casilla and to support the meeting of yesterday at the Zocalo. They agree to conform a supporting group for civil resistence be called Independient Association of Mexicans" UK. They want to be coordinated with other organizations in Europe Picture


ELECTORAL FRAUD IN MÉXICO EVIDENCE OF DECEPTION AND JUSTIFICATION FOR A RECOUNT OF THE "COALITION FOR THE GOOD OF ALL" VOTES WITHOUT BALLOTS AND VOTES THAT WERE ELIMINATED Electoral fraud is visible and demonstrable in the Mexican presidential election. The proof can be found in the polling-site tally sheets as well as in the real-time reports from the two polling-data databases of the Federal Electoral Institute (IFE): the Program of Preliminary Electoral Results (PREP) and the District Tallies (CD). Every polling-site check and polling-site tally contains three pieces of information: 1. The identity of the state, electoral district, city, ward, and neighborhood, as well as the nature of the polling location and its address. 2. The number of total ballots, their final disposition, and the number of voters. a) The total number of ballots received at the polling place before it opened for voting in the presidential election. b) The total number of ballots that were not cast (...