El cable original que muestra cómo Sandoval Iñíguez pide intervención del gobierno de Bush contra López Obrador, 2006
Iñiguez request intervention of Washington in internal politics in Mexico. Cito en: http://wikileaks.org/cable/2006/04/06VATICAN61.html Viewing cable 06VATICAN61, HOLY SEE: PROMINENT LATIN AMERICAN CARDINALS SEEK USG HELP If you are new to these pages, please read an introduction on the structure of a cable as well as how to discuss them with others. See also the FAQs Reference ID Created Released Classification Origin 06VATICAN61 2006-04-03 16:03 2011-07-11 00:00 CONFIDENTIAL Embassy Vatican VZCZCXRO0685 PP RUEHROV DE RUEHROV #0061 0931603 ZNY CCCCC ZZH P 031603Z APR 06 FM AMEMBASSY VATICAN TO RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHDC PRIORITY 0296 INFO WHA DIPL POSTS COLLECTIVE RUEHROV/AMEMBASSY VATICAN 0324 C O N F I D E N T I A L VATICAN 000061 SIPDIS SIPDIS E.O. 12958: DECL: 4/3/2016 TAGS: ETRD SOCI VT MX BR SUBJECT: HOLY SEE: PROMINENT LATIN AMERICAN CARDINALS SEEK USG HELP IN PROMOTING FREE TRADE REF: (A) VATICAN 034, (B) 05 VATICA...