Justice for Jordy
Please sign in the next link: http://criminaljustice.change.org/petitions/view/justice_for_jordy_-_stop_impunity_in_mexico Justice for Jordy - Stop impunity in Mexico Targeting: Felipe Calderon Hinojosa (Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos) Started by: Guadalupe Lizarraga Sixteen-year-old lynching victim Jordy Alberto was burned alive in Oaxaca, Mexico. An extremely cruel and barbaric act that goes unpunished, even when they are identified his attackers and has sufficient evidence to incriminate them. Jordy was accused of stealing without any proof. Members participated in the lynching of a taxi drivers' union close to government power. The taxi drivers - in front of the police and the press - beat him, pour gasoline on his body and have ignited in fire. Jordi's mother, Mrs. Marahi Ortega Garcia asks to Mexican Authorities to investigate the incident so that the culprits b...