Editorial of Today's in La Jornada newspaper, one of the most important journal in Mexico ex-president Fox declares in open fashion, the way of his government supported the candidature of Felipe Calderon (FeCal) like favorite for presidence. He said that in Mexico democracy is a fact -despite he put all of his efforts and money in favor of Fecal against the most important contendient for the presidence, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO). Editorial - La Jornada Our governors and ex-governors do not have shame. Is particular the cynicism of Vicente Fox and their madness, because their declarations have not another way of be named. Yesterday he comes to say that we in Mexico all of us know, that in Mexico the current "president" of Mexico FeCal, was chosen for him (and certainly is not true, even was imposed thanks to interests of our neighbors in the government of US), the "pelele" Fecal was imposed to Mexican people with cheating. ¿Democracia? Democracy?...